REFN: 4926AN
Roger de Berkeley, completed the Castle of Berkeley. This nobleman, adheri
ng to Stephen, "underwent," says Dugdale, "a very hard fate, through the p
erfidy and cruelty of Walter, brother of Milo, Earl of Hereford, his seemi
ng friend and kinsman. He was treacherously seized upon, stripped naked, e
xposed to scorn, put into fetters and thrice drawn by a rope about his ne
ck on a gallows at his own castle gates, with threats that if he would n
ot give up his castle to the earl he would suffer a miserable death. And w
hen he was by this barbarous usage, almost dead, he was carried to priso
n, there to endure further tortures." He was thus deprived of the Man
or of Berkeley about 1152, though he was soon afterwards restored to the h
onour of Dursley. He died about 1170.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 280)