In Memoriam
Elizabeth Crise Cable
February 28, 1883
At her late residence in Stark County, Ohio on the 28th., Mrs. Elizabe
th Cable, aged 90 years, 2 months, and 1 day.
Grandma Cable, as she was familiarly known, was born in Penn. When b
ut an infant death robbed her of her mother. Left motherless, other han
ds tenderly cared for her. Having grown up to womanhood, she married in h
er native state Mr. Jonathan Cable. Like many others they sought a ho
me in the West. Moving to Ohio, they stopped near the headwaters of Yell
ow Creek, where they engaged in hotel-keeping one year only. At the expira
tion of this time, they moved farther Westward, this time locating in Pi
ke Twp., in the Southern part of Stark Co., making it their future and per
manent home, where for seventy-one consecutive years, on the same farm a
nd on the same spot of ground, she lived. At the time of their remov
al to this part of the state it was a "howling wilderness". Having purchas
ed a farm in the woods, they soon had a log house erected into which th
ey moved ere their house completed. Here they began life in all its fronti
er ruggedness and realness. Strength and health, and a will to work , so
on made an opening. Here in there Western home they were not forgetf
ul to entertain the stranger. The Redman here found hospitable entertainme
nt at the home of the settlers. The needy too, found sympathy and help. T
he years came and went. Death entered the home, and he who was father a
nd husband was called from earth, leaving a vacancy in the family circl
e. Many long years the mother remained in widowhood, journeying onward alo
ne to the end of life's race and now her lifeless body lies besiDe him w
ho long years ago fell asleep. The last hours of the Winter of 1883 will e
ver be memorable hours to the children who sat watching by bedsiDe of a be
loved and aged mother, the hands of whose life were rapidly running cu
t. On the 3rd inet., the mountel remains of one who, by her Christian kin
dness, had won many appreciative friends, were solemnly deposited in the g
rave, besiDe her husband who many years since preceded her. There they sle
ep waiting the Resurrection Morn, when they who sleep in Jesus shall awa
ke and comes forth. The funeral services were conducted by the pastor, ass
isted by Rev. D. Yaust, a long-known and intimate friend of the decease
d. The services were held in the Sandyville Lutheran Church, of which s
he had for many long years been a worth and faithful member. The long conc
ourse of people who attended the services evidenced the esteem and love wi
th which the deceased was respected. Of her it may be truly said, "she ca
me to her grave in full age, like as a shook of corn in his season". Fo
ur sons and one daughter, and many grand and great-grandchildren mourn h
er departure--their loss her gain. She will be missed at home, in the chur
ch, in the community. As a mother affectionate and kind; as a Christian, c
onscientious and faithful; as a neighbor, obliging and sympathetic. May t
he mantel of Godliness fall on those who follow after, her virtues emulate
d, her imperfections forgotten. May the God of all grace comfort the berea
ved, and heal the wound which death has made, by the sanctifying influen
ce of his Divine grace.
A beautiful March day laid a cheerful wreath of sunshine around her gra
ve near the shadow of a column of gray granite which marks the resting pla
ce of our pioneer parents.
Photocopy of a photo of Elizabeth
A History of Jonathan Cable Family, by Samuel E. Weaver
on file at the Stark County Library Genealogy department