April 1623. Bennet Beltoft, alias Belknappe, married Grace Adam. He was
baptized as a Beltoft, signed his "will" as Beltoft, but his wife and
c hildren buried him as a Belknap. Once and only under compulsion, did
Bennet, acknowledge the Belknap name, which was when he probated the
"will" of his br other Josias, who had made Bennet his chief legatee.
Josias had accumulated l andes, and a sizeable amount of money which he
had bequeathed to his brother Bennet, but in order to claim the said
inheritance, Bennet had to swear in co urt that he was Bennedict
Belknappe, as named by Josias in his "will". Why Jo sias, whom was
baptized a Beltoft, chose to call himself as a Belknappe, we w ill never
He married Grace ADAM in Sawbridgeworth, Herts, England., Ma y 25,1586 Abt
1. (Grace ADAM is #106.) Grace was born in Sawbridgeworth, Hert s,
England. November 26, 1561. Grace was the daughter of Heirom (Jerome)
AD AM and Elizabeth UNKNOWN. Grace died October 29, 1630 in
Sawbridgeworth, Hert s, England., at 68 years of age. At 31 years of age
Grace became the mother o f John BELKNAP in Sawbridgeworth, Herts,
England., April 08, 1593.
At 32 yea rs of age Bennet became the father of John BELKNAP in
Sawbridgeworth, Herts, England., April 08, 1593. He made a will in North
Weald, Essex, England., Apr il 1623. Bennet Beltoft, alias Belknappe,
married Grace Adam. He was baptized as a Beltoft, signed his "will" as
Beltoft, but his wife and children buried him as a Belknap. Once and only
under compulsion, did Bennet, acknowledge th e Belknap name, which was
when he probated the "will" of his brother Josias, who had made Bennet
his chief legatee. Josias had accumulated landes, and a s izeable amount
of money which he had bequeathed to his brother Bennet, but in order to
claim the said inheritance, Bennet had to swear in court that he wa s
Bennedict Belknappe, as named by Josias in his "will".