REFN: 4444AN REFN: P4445 Æthelbald (858-60 AD) While his father, Æthelwulf, was on pilgrim age to Rome in 855, Æthelbald plotted with the Bishop of Sherbourne and the e aldorman of Somerset against him. The specific details of the plot are unknow n, but upon his return from Rome, Æthelwulf found his direct authority limite d to the sub-kingdom of Kent, while Æthelbald controlled Wessex. Æthelwulf d ied in 858, and full control passed to Æthelbald. Perhaps Æthelbald's prematu re power grab was occasioned by impatience, or greed, or lack of confidence i n his father's succession plans. Whatever the case, he did not live long to e njoy it. He died in 860, passing the throne to his brother, Æthelbert, just a s Æthelwulf had planned.