He was the 10th Monarch of Ireland. He was a prophet and gained 4 victories over his enemies. In his time, Picts came from Thrace to Scotland.
(" faidh": Irish, a prophet): wag the 10th .Monarch of Ireland ; d. B.C. 1670. This was a very learned King; could foretell things to come; and caused much of the country to be cleared of the ancient forests. He likewise built seven royal palaces, viz., Rath Ciombaoith, Rath Coincheada, Rath Mothuig, Rath Buirioch, Rath Luachat, Path Croicne, and Rath Boachoill. He won four remarkable battles over his enernies: Ard Inmath, at Teabtha, wbere Stirne, the son of Dubh, son of Fomhar, was slain; the second battle was at Teanmhuighe, agminst the Fomhoraice, where Eichtghe, their leader, was slain ; the third was the battle of Loch Muighe, where Lugrot, the son of Moghfeibhis, was slain ; and the fourth was the battle of Cuill Martho, where the four sons of Heber were defeated. Irial died in the second year after this battle, having reigned 10 years, and was buried at Magh Muagh