William David Stanton became sick at Harrison's Landing In Virginia while fighting in the Civil War.
He was 18 years of age, 5foot 8 1/2 inches tall, light complexion, light hair and blue eyes when he joined.
Novenber 26, 1862; J.D. Shilling M.D. writes that W.D. was discharged because he had been unfit for duty for 60 days because of an injury to his spine that he recieved prior to enlistment and dibility from the effects of Typhoid Fever with a Scrofulous Diathesis and frequent inflamation of the Cervical Glands rendering him entirely unfit for the duties of a soldier.
On December 24, 1862 he recieved his certificate of disability for discharge.
In 1863 he worked for Edgar Nash as a clerk in his store for 3 to 4 years (Hennepin County) This was a hardware store. info from Curtis Nash
He lived with F.M. and William Hartshorn of Crookston, Polk County, Minnesota in 1863-1865.
On January 27, 1874, aged 31, a resident of St.Paul, William D. Stanton wrote that he was to serve 3 years and that he was honorably discharded at Cumberland, Maryland on the 24th day od December 1862. That he contracted Chronic diarrhoea at Harrisons Landing in Virginia on the 14th of August, 1862. "I was taken sick on the above date at said place and have never recovered from same to this date, having been and am now so severe a sufferer that I am entirely unable to perform any kind of labor, being confined to my bed a greater part of the time. First sent to the hospital at Patterson's Park, Baltimore, Maryland. Second hospitalized at Clarrisville, Maryland. Third hospital at Cumberland, Maryland. the only doctor that I can remember per whom I recieved treatment, was Dr. Killing at Clarrisville, Hospital, Maryland."
From Widow's Pension File-Concepcion October 1, 1875-" I hereby certify that William D. Stanton, late of St. Paul, Minnesota, died in the city of Concepcion of the Republic of Chili(sic) on the 19th day of September 1975 and was intered in the American burying ground in the town of Talcahuano. Signed James H. Trumbull M.D."
Notes from M. Hagan M.D.- "That I first examined Wm D Stanton in Feb 1874, and found him suffering with hemipegia. He was at this time greatly emaciated and his ( ) was impoirea. I saw this patient about once a week until April 1875, when we sent him to South America. I directed the treatment and management of the case until this patient died Sept 19 1875. This one sided poralysis up to the period of his death. He also suffered with occasional attacks of diarrhoea and inability to control his bowels.I have practised med & surg twenty years. Late asst. Surg 37th Ohio Reg. And late surg. 161th Ohio Reg."
Affidavit from Truman I. White by Notary Public St.Paul-"that he became acquainted with William D. Stanton, late husband of claimnant about Aug 1865 and was intimately acquanted and associated with him from that time on for several years, until said Stanton removed from St.Paul to Litchfield about the year 1870. Affiant says that at that time said aquaintance with claimiants husband began, said Stanton was very thin in flesh, in very ill health, and suffering from chronic diarrhoea and a ( ) and was, for several years prior to his decease, and subsequent to 1865 a meer skeliton totally disabled and unfit for labor. Affiant further says said Stanton has no bad habits so far as could be asertained are ( ) aquaintance, calculated to aggravate his diseases. Affiant further states that at no time since Aug 1865 was said Stanton able to perform more than one third of an able bodied mans work.
Elijah Young wrote that he went with William D. Stanton to the hospital boat (the Louisiana), and that he knew Stanton in Beaver Dam for about two years and after his discharge, that all of that time, Stanton was sick but before enlistment he was "sound and Healthy". He also stated that Stanton worked after his discharge as a hardware clerk in Beaver Dam where he remained some 2 or 3 years. Next Stanton was living in Blue Earth City, Faribault County, Minnesota in 1867.
In Rosa's declaration for widow's army pension Feb 19, 1876 Rosa states that William enlisted at Beaver Dam Wisconsin april 14th 1861 as a private commanded by T.B. Cutlin.
A General Affidavit from Rice County MN for Rosa's pension claim. Peter Fagan and Patrick Fagan of Stanton, Goodhue County, Munnesota say that they were well acquainted with William D. Stanton during his lifetime, that they knew him intimately prior to, and at the time of his enlistment, and that that he was during all the time the said affiants knew him, in good health, free from disease of any kind, either spinal or other disease. That the means which said affiants had of knowing the condition of said soldiers health, was the fact, that they were the nearest neighbors to him and that they worked with him and that never at anytime heard him complain of having any spinal or other complaint, but that he was able to and did perform a full days work, and that he was by them and all other neighbors considered to be in all respects sound and healthy.
Dr. Bissett of Litchfield, Meeker County, Minnesota said that he is a physician of 11 years and that he was first called to treat Williamin July of 1872 and found at that time from Hernia or Chronic Diarrohea and that he was then informed and now believes that the disease was contracted while in the army. He continued to treat him during the years 1872 and 1873 and 1874 and that during this time he was attacked with paraplyia( ) ffirst and was after with complete paralysis of the trunck and lower limbs rendering him unfit for business of any kind.
George Stultz of Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin says that his age is 42 years; that he was a private in Company D, 5th regt. Wisconsin and knows William David Stanton who was a member of the County D, 5th Reg, Wisconsin, that on or about the 15th day of August 1862 while in the line of duty and without fault or improper conduct on his part, at or near Harrison's Landing said soldier was sick and that he said Stultz went with said Stanton at that time to the hospital boat that said deponent does not recollect of seing said Stanton again until his discharge about the month of October 1862 he then saw him for about 2 months often, that during that time said Stanton was not able to work being sick with diarrhoea-June 24, 1884.
Edgar Nash of Minneapolis, Hennipin county, MN age 47 says that he became acquainted with claiments
family in the year 1853. That himself and claiments husband, William D. Stanton, were there employed in the same store, said Stanton being at work for him, as his clerk and continued in his employ 3 or 4 years. Affiant says that when said Stanton began working for him in 1863 as aforsaid, he, said Stanton, was afflicted with chronic diarrhoea, and was also ( ), as affiant well knows from having seen him adjust his truss at various times. Affiant also knows of him having procured a new truss to replace an old one and often heard said Stanton speak of said rupture as well as the chronic diarrhoea, as having been contracted in the army.
Henry W. Thorp and Edward Crath from Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin say that they were both well personally acquainted with William D. Stanton in his lifetime and he was formally a resident of this city and later a member of Company D. 5th infantry Wisconsin volunteers, which was formed in this city and whom they now believe to be dead. That stanton came to this city as a resident in about the year 1859 and continued so until his enlistment about May 1861. These affiants were each intamate friends and schoolmates with said William D. Stanton seeing him dayly and knowing him closely and intimatly that during all the residence of the said Stanton in this city, he was a young in perfect health and robust constitution always being well able and strong, and these affiants believe him to be, up to the time of his enlistment, that he was a young man of excellent habits, exemplory in all respects, strictly temporate and held ( ) of honor ( ) in this city. That the affiants never known or heard of the said Stanton pror to his enlistment or at any time during their acquaintence with him, complain of or show any symptoms of spinal distress or chronic diarrhoea, or any distress whatsoever.
The 5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Randall Madison WI. It was mustered in on 13 July 1861. It left the state on the 24th of July going directly to Washington DC. became part of the Army of the Potomac and was transferred to Hampton, Virginia (17 March to 2 September 1862). Than went to Centerville, Virginia. William D. Stanton was sent from Harrison's Landing, Va to the hospital in Baltimore, Maryland
William D Stanton
Claimed Residence in Beaver Dam
20 June 1861 Priv
Served Wisconsin Enlisted D County 5th Inf Reg. WI disch disability on 24 December 1863 Source: Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers: War of the Rebellion
In "History of Dodge County" p-872 W.D. Stanton is listed as being on the original roster for the Beaver Dam Rifles company