First wife, Mary Wheeler, 7 children, first in England, other six born inHartford or Fairfield, CT. Second wife, Eun ice Porter, widow of Jonathan Porter of Hartford. Smith was an inhabitant who received land "by the courtesie of the town." His home lot in 1639 was on Main Street on the co rner of what is now Charter Oak Street, a small lot cut of f from the square occupied by George Wyllys. Smith sold 2 0 acres to Thomas Hosmer (RIN 756), 6 March 1642. Philip D avis bought his land and tenement. He was one of the earli est settlers of New London, CT, but removed from there to F airfield, where he was in 1651. He may have had a wife, Fr ancis. (Maybe this refers to his son-in-law). Ref: Familie s of Old Fairfield, Vol. 1, Pt. 2, p. 568. Gen. Dict. of N. E., p. 114. Barbours Families of Early Hartford, Connecticu t, p. 543.
p. 297, Colket, 2nd revised. Hartford 1639, New London 164 9, Fairfield 1651 d there by 14 Jan 1669/70.
Holly Blomberg
Died at age 65
GILES, Hartford 1639, had Joanna, bapt. there 25 Mar. 1649; was of the earliest sett. at New London, but his gr. of 1 648 was soon sold or forfeit. by non. resid. and he was of Fairfield 1651, there d. 1669. He left sec. w. Eunice, no t mo. of his ch. wh. had been wid. of Jonathan Porter of Hu ntington, L. I.; three s. Samuel, Eleazer, and John; thre e ds. Elian, if that be a possib. name; Elizabeth Jackson; and Joanna Gray, nam. in his will of 10 Sept. 1669.
John Frech, <>
Settled in Hartford CT in 1639, moved to Bankside, Fairfiel d Co, CT. His will was dated June 16, 1662 and proved Marc h 5, 1663.
Information downloaded from Don Dickenson's GedCom last updated 6/5/2004.
Settled in Hartford CT in 1639, moved to Bankside, Fairfield Co, CT. His will was dated June 16, 1662 and proved March 5, 1663.