Rose Royden
Rose was born about 1487 in
<, Roydon Hall, Kent, England>
. Rose's father was
Thomas Roydon
and her mother is
Jane Clyfton
. She is an only child.
General Notes
REFN: HWS102653
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 18K0-DMB
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Thomas Roydon
- b.~ 1452 in <, Roydon Hall, Kent, England> d.1487
Rose Royden
- b.~ 1487 in <, Roydon Hall, Kent, England>
Jane Clyfton
- b.~ 1456 in <, Roydon Hall, Kent, England>
Rose's family with Robert Stonehouse
‌Rose and
were married in a religious ceremony about 1507 in
<, Little Peckham, Kent, England>
. They had a son named
Family Notes
CHAN21 May 2002
George Stonhouse
George was born about 1520 in
, Little Peckham, Kent, England
. He died on July 20th, 1575.
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