Alias:<ALIA> The /Gracious/ Killed by MacBeth, Than of Cawdor. According to atradition perpetuated by Shakespeare, King Duncan I was killed at Cawdor Castle in the Highla of Scotland near Inverness. Duncan was actually killed in battle (n bed as in MacBeth). Duncan's eldest son later killed MacBeth and ruled as King Malcolm III of Canmoe (1058-93). It is said that Duncan was a tyrannical and destructive leader who foolishly sacrificed large numbers of his men in fruitless campaigns of expansion. Aka Duncan MacCrinan Kingof the Scots from 1034 to 1040. Duncan was the grandson of King Malcolm II (ruled 1005-34), who irregularly made him ruler of Strathcly when that region was absorbed into the Scottish kingdom (probably short before 1034). Malcolm violated the established system of succession whereby the kingship alternated between two branches of the royal family.
Custom Field:<_FA#> Killed by Mac Beth[JamesLinage.GED]
Killed by Mac Beth
Note: Ruled from 1034-1040. " the Gracious"[Direct Linage1.FTW]
Note: Ruled from 1034-1040. " the Gracious"
Killed by Macbeth
Education: The motto of the clan Duncan is "Learn to suffer"
The Scottish Play is based loosely on an episode from Scottish history, the death of King Duncan at the hands of his kinsman Macbeth. King Malcolm II ... reigned from 1005 to 1034 and was the last king in the direct male line to descend from Kenneth MacAlpine, who united the Scots and Picts in 843 A.D. and is considered the founder of Scotland. One of Malcolm's three daughters, Bethoc, married Crinan, the secular hereditary Abbot of Dunkeld. Through her, the Abbot's son [Duncan] was installed by Malcolm as the King of Cumbria in 1018. After Malcolm II's murder by his nobles at Glamis, Duncan killed his opponents and seized the throne as King Duncan I. His first cousins, Macbeth (of Shakespearian fame) and Thorfinn the Raven Feeder, Norwegian Earl of Orkney, united to advance MacBeth's claim to the throne through his mother, another daughter of Malcolm II. Duncan reigned from 1034 until he was defeated in battle by their combined armies and killed by MacBeth in August 1040 at Elgin. Scotland was then ruled by Thorfinn in the northern districts and MacBeth in the southern districts. -- James E. Fargo, FSA Scot., Clan Donnachaidh History.