General Notes
Agnes was the only daughter and heir of Robert De La Beche
the last male of this line. The De La Beche land "called
Beeches, situate neer Okingham, a market towne in the
countye of Barkes", passed from her to the Whitlocks. The
land had been given to <a href=>William De La Beche</a> by Robert De Bingham, Bishop of Salibury in
This family was contemporary with and presumedly related
to the <b><a href=>De La Beches of Aldworth</a></b>.
The entry in <a href=>Henry Lee Whitlock</a>'s
Family Tree reads:
"32 Henry VI 1454
Married Johannes Whitlock
intailed by Agnes De La Beche 31 Henry VI before marriage"
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
*There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
Page last modified 6/7/2019