Peris was recorded as his given name, but his tombstone says Perez. Perez is first seen in 1813 as a member of Bloom's Regiment, New YorkMilitia, War of 1812. This regiment refused to invade Canada at Lewiston and the members were declared deserters. Perez is recorded as"deserted with rifle, canteen, blanket and knapsack." I recommendreading the book "The Invasion of Canada" by Pierre Berton. His description of the Battle of Lewiston is very interesting. Probably living Saratoga County, New York when he enlisted for three months in the New York Militia.
Peris (Perry) was next found 31 MAR 1815, when he was involved in a land transaction in the Holland Purchase of Western, New York. The transaction was defined as Lot 61, Section-Twp-Range: 00413, D:0,REF: 493, PG:0095.
The next appearance was 13 May 1818 in Geauga County, OH, where he married Clarissa. Then, in the 1820 census he was found there with wife and daughter and stating that he worked in manufacturing. Perez is again found in the Geauga County records when on 13 JUN 1823 in theCommon Pleas Court the following case was recorded:
Hercules Carrel
Peris Hillard & Calvin Mapes
In Case
This day came the Defts. by S. Mathews their attorney and the Pltf.being solemnly called to come in to Court and prosecute his suit, camenot but made default. Whereupon it is considered by the Court that theDefendants do recover of the said Pltf their costs to be taxed. & thePltf in mercy &c.
In 1825, Perez moved to Crawford County, OH, along with Daniel Kimball'sfamily, (his father-in-law) and at least one brother-in-law. There hehelped build the original school in Chatfield and was involved in thefollowing land transactions.
Perez Hillard deed from Nobel McKinstry for one hundred dollars,parcel of land known by being all of the East half of the South eastquarter of section six in Township two South of Range seventeen in theDistrict of Delaware except what is south of Broken Sword Creek whichhas been deeded to John Flack, containing sixty acres, includingprivileges and appurtenances. Signed December 5, 1828, by Noble andPolly McKinstry and witnessed by James and John McCracken.
Perez Hillard deed to John Stough for the sum of three hundred andfifty dollars, all that tract known by being all of the East half ofthe North west quarter of section twenty seven in Township two Southof Range seventeen in the District of Delaware containing eightyacres, with privileges and appurtenances. Signed April 20, 1829, byPerez and Clarissa Hillard and witnessed by Mathias and ElizabethManley.
Peris Hillerd deed from Joseph McComb for thirty nine dollars andthirty nine cents, all that parcel of land being Inlot in the Town ofBucyrus, number twenty three, with privileges and appurtenances.Signed November 6, 1831, by Joseph and Rebecca McComb and witnessed byJames McCracken and R. W. Cahill.
Perez Hilliard & Joseph McComb deed to Andrew Tailor for eightydollars, parcel of land situate in the Town of Bucyrus described asthe North half of Inlot, number twenty three, with appurtenances.Signed November 7, 1832, by Joseph and Rebecca McComb, Perez andClarissa Hillard; and witnessed by James McCracken, Henry Miller,Ichabod Smith and William S. Smith.
Perez Hillard deed from Enoch Olmstead for one hundred dollars, fiftythree acres off of the east side of the west half of the South Eastquarter of Section four in Township three south of Range Seventeen inthe District of Delaware. Signed June 20, 1833, by Enoch and SarahOlmstead, witnessed by E. Williams and Thomas Simpson.
Perez Hillard deed to Simeon Parcher for the sum of one hundreddollars, fifty three acres of the east side of the west half of theSouth east quarter of Section four in Township three South of RangeSeventeen in the District of Delaware, including hereditaments andappurtenances. Signed September 9, 1833, by Perez and Clarissa Hillardand witnessed by James McCracken and Thomas Park.
Perez Hillard deed to John Nay for eleven hundred and ten dollars,parcel of land being all that part of the east half of the south eastquarter of Section six in Township two South of Range seventeen thatis situated on the north side of Broken Sword creek and including saidcreek containing sixty acres and the east half of the North eastquarter of Section six Township two South of Range seventeencontaining seventy acres and two hundredths of an acre of the BucyrusLand District, with appurtenances. Signed May 1, 1836, by Perez andClarissa Hillard and witnessed by William Earley and John Loderwill.
Periz Hillard deed to James Scott for sixty five dollars, beingdescribed as the south half of Inlot in the Town of Bucyrus, numbertwenty three, with appurtenances. Signed March 6, 1939, by Periz andClarissa Hillard, and witnessed by George and Elisha Davidson.
In 1846, he bought property in Seneca County, OH, where he was found inthe 1850 census. This property was sold in 1854, but in 1851, they hadmoved to Hillsdale County, MI, where Perez died in OCT of that year.First three children born Geauga County; rest in Crawford County