Shows in their household: Gertrude Donahue, 19, Servant, U S cit., housework.
1900 N. Collins, New York
1925 N. Collins, New York
1915 N. Collins, New York
1905 N. Collins, New York
1880 N. Collins, New York
1875 N. Collins, New York 1892 Brant, Erie County, New York
1892 Hoyt and Mary Swan Hibbard living with Mary's parents , Darwin & Caroline Swan.
Per obit in Gwen Burk's scrapbook: "After marriage in Niaga ra Falls, they lived on a farm in North Collins. Hoyt manag ed a Larkin Company store in N. Collins, later became assis tant postmaster (2 yrs). Family later moved to Buffalo in 1 933 when Hoyt became a Supreme Court Crier. Retired in 1944 , then became a clerk in Downtown YMCA, Buffalo."
Obituary (in Gwen Hibbard's scrapbook, from Buffalo, New York new spaper):
Hoyt R. Hibbard, Retired Supreme Court Crier
Hoyt R. Hibbard, 80, member of a pioneer North Collins fami ly and a retired Supreme Court Crier, died suddenly in hi s home, 710 Virginia St., (Buffalo), Sunday morning (Dec. 2 3, 1951)
Mr. Hibbard was born on a farm near the village of North Co llins and attended North Collins District School. He wa s a graduate of the old Buffalo Business University. Afte r he finished school, he was employed in the old Volney E . Kennedy haberdashery store near Main and Clinton Sts.
He remained in Buffalo for about a year then returned to wo rk on his father's farm in North Collins. He was married t o the former Mary Swan, Dec. 17, 1890, and bought his own f arm near the village. For more than 20 years Mr. Hibbard op erated the farm and also acted as an auctioneer throughou t the area.
During World War 1 he sold the farm and moved to North Coll ins to become manager of the old Larkin Company store there . Later, he became assistant postmaster at North Collins , a post he held for two years.
Mr. Hibbard was appointed Supreme Court crier in the earl y 1930s and for a time commuted between Buffalo and North C ollins. The family moved to Buffalo about 15 years ago. H e retired as court crier at the age of 70 and became a cler k at the Downtown WMCA. a post he held at his death.
Mr. Hibbard was pastmaster and a charter member of Fortun e Lodge 788, F & AM, in North Collins and was secretary o f the lodge more than ten years. He also was a former membe r of the North Collins Board of Education.
Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Josephin e Welsh, and three sons, Harland E., Hoyt R. Jr. and Hamilt on E. Hibbard of Medina.
Dr. Bruce Swift, minister of North Presbyterian Church, wil l officiate at services in the Johnson and Wilkins Funera l Home, 448 Delaware Ave., at 11 o'clock Wednesday. Buria l will be in North Collins Cemetery at 2 o'clock.
NOTE, per Mary Hibbard Stack: "My father's (Hamilton) middl e name was Ward. He was the only son living in Medina; I' m quite sure Uncle Harland and Uncle Hoyt were living in Bu ffalo near my grandparents home at the time and believe Aun t Helen was still living in Buffalo as well."
Mayor per note rec'd. May 1996 by Mary Hibbard from Jim Hi bbard.
Worker in canning factory, farmer, Assistant Postmaster
Prior to move into Buffalo, her grandparents lived in the h ome Enos Hibbard built on Main St., N. Collins, known as th e "Brick House", per Mary (Hibbard) Stack verbal, verbal 19 96.
Barbara Hibbard Collins, daughter of Hoyt Roger Hibbard, Jr . told Mary (Hibbard) Stack, verbal April 1996, her father' s middle name was Roger. Dee Hibbard and Roy Welch both tho ught Hoyt Sr.'s middle name was Rogers. A family bible in M ary Hibbard's possession also shows, under births, the midd le name of Hoyt Sr. and Hoyt Jr. to be Rogers. (A later ent ry, in handwriting that Mary (Hibbard) Stack believes to b e that of her grandmother Mary Swan Hibbard, the entry unde r deaths in the bible lists Hoyt Sr.'s middle name as Rodge r.)