- b.0990 d.1047

- b.1017

- b.1045
- b.1090 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England d.1157 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

- b.0927 in Normandy, France

- b.~ 0958

- b.~ 0985 in St Germain Montgomerie, Normandy, France d.WFT Est 1025-1085

- b.0911 in Blauzahn, Germany d.1 NOV 987

- b.~ 0952

- b.0923 in Sweden

- b.~ 1005 in Normandy, France d.27 Jul 1094

- b.~ 0918 in Schloswig, Normandy, France d.> 0960 in Greenland

- b.0940 in Pont-Audemer, Normandy, France d.1025 in Preaux, Normandy, France

- b.~ 0918

- b.~ 0990 in France d.WFT Est 1025-1091

- b.0911 in Blauzahn, Germany d.1 NOV 987

- b.~ 0944 in Longueville Norm, Longueville, Normandy, France d.~ 0990

- b.0923 in Sweden

- b.1052

- b.~ 0942 d.> 1005

- b.BET 919 AND 975 d.1028

- b.~ 0942 d.> 1005

- b.BET 957 AND 1003 d.BET 998 AND 1083

- b.0975

- b.~ 1025 d.1082

- b.0995 d.1067