MARRIAGE: m(2) abt 1646 Thomas Wells. [Foote genealogy]
DEATH: Date from Foote genealogy.
WILL: Dated Mar 28, 1678; pvd Aug 1683. Names sons Robert & Nathaniel; daus
Sarah Judson dec, dau Churchall, dau Goodrich, dau Barnard & dau Smith;
gsons John Studder, Jospeh Churchall & Benjamin Churchall. Exor: Capt.
John Allin; bro John Deming Sr. & gson Henry Beck/Buck overseers. Witn:
Joseph Rowlandson & John Deminge. [Foote genealogy] {Early Connecticut Probate
Records Vol 1, p.379 by Manwaring}
Division of Estate: Samuel Foote, Elizabeth Foote, Lt. Smith, Frances
Barnard, Josiah Churchill, Lt. Tracy & Daniel Foote.
Invt. 328 pounds 12 shillings 6 pence, taken 3d September 1683, by Samuel
Talcott, James Treat, Samuel Butler. Will dated 28 March, 1678.
My estate I dispose of as followeth; I will that all those debts I ow in
right or conscience to any man or men be well & Truly contented & payd out
of my Estate in the first place. My fourteen acres of Land in the great
meadow & Thirty acres in the West field I give unto my son Robert Foote & to
his heirs forever, prohibiting him the sale of the same, he paying for these
Lands forty five pounds, to be payd; to the Children of my Daughter Sarah
Judson Deceased, Nine pounds; & to my foure daughters, viz, my daughter
Churchill, my daughter Goodrich, my Daughter Barnard, & my Daughter Smith,
to each of them Nine pounds a piece. I give vnto my son Nathaniel
eldest son, & his Brother, Eleven pounds; & to their children; To Daniel
forty shillings, & to Elizabeth fower pounds, which Legacies, both the
eleven pownd, forth shillings, & fower pounds, shall be payd out of the
money Nathaniel Graves owes Me By Bill. I give & bequeath unto my Grand son
Joh Studder halfe my Great Lott which Lyes at the further Bownds of the
Towne, & the other halfe of the sayd Lott I give vnto my grand sons Joseph &
Benjamin Churchill & their heirs forever. The remainder of my Estate (when a
Legacie is pd. to my overseers out of it) shall be divided into five parts;
one part I give to my daughter Judson's Children to be to them & their heirs
forever; & to my Daughter Churchill & her children one fifth part, & to my
Daughter Goodrich & the children one-fifth part, & to my daughter Barnard &
her children one-fifth part & to my daughter Smith & her Children one
part. It is my will that what I give my fouer daughters shall be wholly at
their dispose, to dispose among their children as they see good. I do
nominate & appoynt my wel beloved Captain Joh Allin to be Executor; & my
beloved Brother Mr John Deming sen. & my Grand sonn Henry Buck to be the
desired overseers of this my will; & as a token of my resprect to them I
give them thirty shillings a piece out of my Estate; & for the confirmation
of the premises I have hereunto set my hand this 28 day of March, 1678.
Memorandum; It is my will that the nine pownds apiece I give my foure
daughters' heirs, & the fifth part of my Estate I give them, shall be
divided among the children of each of them, the one halfe of it imediately
after my decease.
This signed & declared by Mrs. Elizabeth Welles in presence of us; Joseph
Rowlandson, John Deming
Memorandum; I give to my grand son Nathll ffoott, the Eldest son of my sonn
Nathll, the one halfe of my fourteen acres of meadow, & one halfe of my
thirty acres of upland lying in the West field, wth liberty of takeing the
first choice, he paying one halfe of the Legacys wch were to be paid my sonn
Robt had he lived to possess ye sd. Land. My will is that part of ye eleven
pounds wch I formerly willed to sd. Nathaniel, grandson, & his Borhter, wch
belonged to his by will, shall be equally distributed between my four
daughters above mentioned. And for the confirmation of the prmisis I have
hereunto set my hand this 16th day of August, 1682. Memorandum; All rents of
Land due to me I will to be divided equally amongst my fower forementioned
daughters and their heirs.
Elizabeth (X) Wells
Witnessed by us: Samuel Talcott, John Deming
Dist. of Estate on the reverse side of the paper as follows:
To Small Foote-----------------------------5-10-00 To Elizabeth
ffoote------------------------4-00-00 To Lft.
Smith------------------------------1-07-06 To Ffrancis
Barnard------------------------1-07-06 To Josiah
Churchill------------------------1-07-06 To Lft.
Tracy------------------------------1-07-06 To Danll