note: William Almy, born 1610, was at Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1631, where, June 14, he was fined eleven shillings for taking the canoe of a Mr. Glover without permission. Three years later, July 1, 1634, he was fined ten shillings for neglecting to appear at court when summoned, and was admonished to appear at the next court with an inventory of the goods he had received from one Edward Johnson.
During 1634, or early in 1635, William returned to England, but his stay there was short, for he returned to New England in 1635 on the ship "Abigail," with his wife Audry (aged 32), his daughter Ann (aged 8), and his son Christopher (aged 3). William's age at that time was given at 34.
On March 1, 1636, having won a suit and obtained judgment against David Johnson, he agreed, on receipt of five nobles from Widow Johnson and five nobles from James Ludlam, to settle for that amount. On the same day, one Robert Way was ordered to serve William Almy "till he hath satisfied the sum of Ð111." On April 3, 1637,
William and nine others at Sandwich, were given liberty to select ground sufficient for the use of sixty families, and from that time until 1642, he resided at or near Sandwich. December 4, 1638, he was fined eleven shillings for keeping without rings in their noses, an ancient custom Still in vogue to prevent rooting. April 16, 1640, he had a grant of 8 1/2 acres of land, and December 7, 1641, a calf belonging to him, then in tile possession of Robert Bodfish, was attached to satisfy a suit unsettled when he left Sandwich.
June 22,1642, is the last record of him in Massachusetts, and on that day he disposed of his lands in Sandwich to award Freeman and went to Rhode Island, where, November 14, 1644, he obtained grant of land on Wading River. In this Colony, he led an unlined existence and prospered. He sold land there to Richard Bulgar in 1656, January 5, and was made freeman in 1655. He served on the jury in 16561 and was foreman of that body in 1658. He was Commissioner in 1656, 1657 and 1663, and died in 1676. His will was dated February 28, 1676, and was proved April 23, 1677. By his wife, Audry, born in 1603, and who died after 1676, he had five children.