- b.13 JUN 828 in Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen d.BET 5 AND 6 OCT 877 in while crossing the pass of the Mont Cenis

- b.1 NOV 846 d.10 APR 879 in Compiegne

- b.~ 0825 in Orleans, Loiret, Frances d.6 OCT 869

- b.17 SEP 879 d.7 OCT 929 in in prison at Peronne, Somme, France


- b.~ 0925 in Courcy, Ardennes, Champagne, France d.UNKNOWN

- b.BET 846 AND 849 in Wantage, Oxon d.28 OCT 901 in Hyde Abbey, England

- b.~ 0871 in Wessex, England d.17 JUL 924 in Farndon-On-Dee, Cheshire, England

- b.BET 848 AND 852 in Mercia, England d.5 DEC 905 in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Dorset, England

- b.~ 0896 d.0951

- b.~ 0871 in Kent, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.0878 in Kent, England d.25 AUG 968

- b.~ 0952 in Courcy, Ardennes, Champagne, France d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 0969 in Courcy, Ardennes, Champagne, France d.UNKNOWN