Posted by: Vi (Seay) McAllister (ID *****1529) Date: November 20, 2003 at 15:27:01
In Reply to: Abraham Seay's 1772 Will by beth masters of 2506
Here is what I have on the Abraham Seay Wills:
Albemarle County, Va., Will Book 2 Pg. 288 (Will of Abraham Seay II)
In the Name of God Amen, I ABRAHAM SEAY of Albemarle County being in perfect health and Sound sense and memory but Calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory world and that all flesh must yield when it pleaseth God to Call, therefore I do make this my last Will and Testament and desire it may be received by all persons as such. Imprimus, I give my soul to Almighty God who gave it to me and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named in Sure and Certain hopes of the Resurrection at the last day and as touching my worldly Estate, or what it is pleased God to bless me With, I give and dispose of it as followeth, to witt:
Item: I give and bequeath to my son JOHN SEAY all that part of the tract of Land whereon I live on the South side Crooks Creek above the mouth of Timber tree branch to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son AUSTIN SEAY all that part of the tract of Land whereon I now live below the mouth of Timber tree branch and all on the north side of the Said Creek with all the
Improvements thereto belonging to him and his heirs forever, and if it should please God that either of my two mentioned sons should die Without heir my Will and desire is that his part of the Said Land shall fall to my son Abraham Seay, Jun.
And my will and desire is that all my Lands and Chattles Continue and Remain in the possession my dearly beloved wife AMY SEAY during her Natural Life, and after her decease all my stocks of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc. with my Household furniture to be equally divided amongst my three sons, viz: ABRAHAM SEAY, JOHN SEAY and AUSTIN SEAY, at the discretion of My dearly beloved wife AMY SEAY and my son ABRAHAM SEAY, JUN. Whom I appoint as Executrix and executor of this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal this twentieth day of September In the year of Our Lord Christ 1761. his
( mark)
Wit: Cabell Stone
Elijah Stone
Benjamin X Wright
(his mark)
Pg 289, Will Book 2, Albemarle County, Virginia
I, ABRAHAM SEAY having by God's mercy Continued in life to this day and being under great Weakness of body but of perfect mind and memory, and now find it will be Convenient to make a Schedule to the above Will Which I now ratify and Confirm except in Some few particulars herein afterwards to be mentioned, I give to my Son STEPHEN SEAY five shillings Current money and also to my son ABRAHAM SEAY five shillings. I give to my son JOHN SEAY his first choice of my feather beds, I also give to my son AUSTIN SEAY the next Choice of my beds, I likewise give to my son AUSTIN SEAY my young Sorrel mare, I give to my Daughter ALLY SEAY fifty Shillings, I also give my Daughter ANN SEAY One Cow and Calf. I also give to my daughter SUSANNAH SEAY one cow and calf.
All the Rest of my Estate personal I desire may be ( at the death of my Wife) equally divided between my sons JOHN SEAY and AUSTIN SEAY but these my last Legacies given in this Schedule is to remain in the use of My loving Wife till her death as mentioned in my will above.
I likewise desire it may be noted, and it is my desire, that Whereas I made my son ABRAHAM SEAY Joint Legatee with my sons JOHN and AUSTIN in a former Clause of this my Last Will and Testament written in the year of Our Lord 1761, since which he has married and gone from me and I've already given him a full proportion, and my Will and desire is that he shall have no more of my Estate than what is mentioned in this Last part of my Will and Testament and I also desire that Instead of my son ABRAHAM SEAY I do appoint my son JOHN SEAY With my loving wife AMY SEAY Executrix and Executor to this my Last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I hereunto again affix my hand and Seal this twenty-third day of September in the Year of Our Lord 1771. ( his)
Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of us----
Elias Willis
Thomas Clements (his mark)
Elijah Stone
Martin Key, Sr.
At Albemarle August Court 1772, This last Will & Testament of Abraham Seay dec'd was presented in Court & proved by the Oath of Elijah Stone & Martin Key, witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded.
Test: Tucker Woodson, D.C.