v. 92, p. 287
"These charters compel us to place the birth of Simon
Fiske who died in 1463/4 and the births of his sons William
and Geoffrey somewhat earlier than they appear in the
pedigree set forth in the REGISTER, vol. 87, p. 368. These
two latter men must both have been born prior to 1429 and
about 1420 - 1425, while their father must have been born
about 1400. His father Hugh was, therefore, born about 1370
and is probably the son or grandson of the Hugh who appears
in Laxfield in 1340 and 1345.
from NEHGS Register, Oct. 1932, p. 409-410
The Will of Jaffrey Fyske of Laxfeld [Laxfield, Co.
Suffolk], dated 3 May 1504. To be buried in Laxfeld
parish. To the high altar there, for tithes forgotten,
3s. 4d. To the repair of the parish church 6s. 8d. To
the repair of the bell 3s. 4d. To the repair of the
Chapel of Our Lady in said parish and for arrear[s]
of some rents pertaining to said chapel 6s. 8d. To Our
Lady's Gild in Laxfeld 3s. 4d. Bequests to the Friars
of Dunwich and Orford [Co. Suffolk]. To my son, Master
John Fyske, to sing for me a year after my decease, a
sufficient stipend. To the poor in Laxfeld 10s. To the
mending of foul ways 20s. To each godchild 12d. To each
"Bell chyld of myne" 12d. To my daughter Johane 5 marks.
To my daughter Maryon 6s. 8d. To Margaret Kempe a heifer.
My house and land are to be sold, except a pightle bought
of Nicholas Baas, [which is] to be sold him at a "meone"
price. My son Jeffrey is to have the first purchase and
within 40s. of any other. "Nevertheless I am otherwyse
counselled by my other children whereof finally I put
it to the discrescion of my executors & specially my son
Master John Fyske to say how my son Jeffrey shall pay."
He who purchases my place is to have the stock of "beys"
[i.e., bees] there lying and to pay 2 lbs. wax to the
light before the crucifix in Laxfeld church as long as
the stock shall endure, if so much increase of wax come
yearly off the said stock. Executors and residuary
legatees: my sons Master John Fyske and Symond Fyske,
to dispose to the health of my soul; and to each of
them 6s. 8d. Proved 13 May 1504 by Master John Fyske,
with power reserved to Simon Fyske. (Archdeaconry of
Suffolk [Ipswich Probate Registry], book 4, fo. 134.)