- b.1528 in Norwich, Norfolk, England d.1593 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England

- b.03 Oct 1558 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.11 JAN 1609/10 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England

- b.BET 1534 AND 1540 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England d.25 Apr 1610

- b.1601 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England d.1668 in Northumberland County, Virginia

- b.1 MAR 1561/62 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England d.11 JAN 1609/10 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England

- b.25 Sep 1636 in Worstead, Norfolk County, England d.16 JAN 1697/98 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England

- b.~ 1552 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.1605 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England d.> 1641 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England

- b.~ 1556 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.FEB 1677/78 in St. Stephen's Parish, Northumberland, VA d.20 JAN 1723/24 in Wicompico Parish, Northumberland, VA

- b.1555 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.24 Jul 1632 in Worstead, Norfolk, England

- b.BET 1585 AND 1586 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.~ 1559 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.26 Dec 1612 in Werstead, Norfolk, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.BET 1589 AND 1590 in Worstead, Norfolk, England d.UNKNOWN

- b.1646 in Werstead, Norfolk County, England d.20 Sep 1699 in Northumberland County, Virginia

- b.BET 1615 AND 1616 in Werstead, Norfolk, England d.24 Aug 1659 in Worstead, Norfolk, England
- b.~ 1704 in Northumberland County, VA d.1770

- b.BET 1645 AND 1646 in St. Stephen's Parish, Northumberland, VA d.16 Apr 1701 in Northumberland County, VA

- b.BET 1678 AND 1679 in Wicompico, Northumberland County, Virginia d.19 Apr 1727 in Northumberland County, VA

- b.BET 1649 AND 1650 in Northumberland County, VA d.UNKNOWN