Aongus was the 1st Christian King of Munster. He had 24 sons and 24
daughters, whereof he devoted to the service of God one half of both sexes.
When this King was baptized by Saint Patrick, the Saint offering to fasten his
staff or Corizer on the ground, accidently happened to pierce the foot of
Aenaes [Aongus] through, whereby he lost much blood. However, thinking it to
be part of the ceremony [of baptism], he patiently endured it until the Saint
had finished. He ordained three pence per annum from every person that should
be baptized throughout Munster, to be paid to Saint Patrick and the Church in
manner following: 500 cows, 500 stone of iron, 500 shirts, 500 coverlets, and
500 sheep every third year. He reigned 36 years, at the end whereof, he and
his wife, Eithne, were slain.