Cadeyrn Fendigaid, King of Powys (Latin, Catigernus/English, Catigern).Cadeyrn was nominally a King of Powys, though how much independence hewould have had from his father's high-kingdom is unclear. The area wascertainly the homeland of the Vorteneu family and therefore it was givento Vortigern's eldest surviving son. As a young man, Cadeyrn had metSt.Germanus probably during his first visit to Britain in 429. The saintblessed him and, ever since, he was given the name Fendigaid or 'theBlessed'. Cadeyrn was a warrior king who led the British troops at theBattle of Rithergabail (Aylesford, Kent) in 447, after his brother'srevolt against their father and his invading Saxon henchmen. He waskilled on the battlefield and buried under nearby Kit's Coyty House, amegalithic dolmen. [David Nash Ford, Early British Kingdoms, Biographies]