General Notes
Anything before Marmaduke Coate and Mary Skinner of England comes from
the Old Coates Genealogy. This was a genealogy that was done by a hired
researcher in the early 1900's. It takes lines back before any
first-hand records are available to support any of it. It has no sources
whatsover, not the sign of a professional genealogist. Although widely
published (because it was the one used in the Coate Coppock Estate battle
in the early 1900's) it in no way has the support of truth and is
demonstrably at fault when any records can be found to check against it.
Source: Vol. 14 Tree 0604 of the FTM's World Family Tree. The submitter
in turn refers to "Ancestors and Descendents of Marmaduke Coate of South
Carolina" by Ernest S. Park, a well written book.
Page last modified 6/19/2018