Pharoah Amenemhat I of Egypt
Amenemhat was born in 2020 BC. Amenemhat's father is
Sen-Wosret of Egypt. He was an only child. He died in 1962 BC.
General Notes
Amenemhet was vizier and military commander under king Mentuhotep III and came to power by a coup. He was probably not a member of the royal family. During his first year in office he stabilised the country and silenced opponents in the North.
He started the state-cult of Amon and adopted his name in his personal nomen. He took military actions against nomads in southern Palestine and after twenty years in office he appointed his (probably oldest) son named Senwosret to become his co-regent.
Amenemhet chose the location Lisht close to the new capital for his tomb and built a small pyramid where also his closest members of his family were buried.
Picture left: his throne name seen within a cartouche and meaning - "Satisfied is the Heart of Re".
Vizier to Montjuhotpe IV, then Pharoah 12 Dynasty; 1st King of the 12th dynasty
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.dd MMM 2045 BC
- b.dd MMM 2020 BC d.dd MMM 1962 BC
Page last modified 6/19/2018