Came to America 1726
on Queen Margaret
William Baldridge, (born 1689), county Tryone, providence of Ulster, Irela
nd, married ( 16 June 1714, county Tryone, Ireland) Janette Holmes, daught
er of Sir James Holmes, who died 31 May 1727, Belfast, Ireland, and Lady M
argaret Jennings, of Belfast, said to be cousin to the first Duchess of Ma
rborough. She is said to have married Baldridge much against the wish
es of her aristocratic family. William and his wife emigrated to Ameri
ca in 1726 aboard the "Queen Margaret," and settled in Little Britain ts
p. Lancaster County, Pa. Bring with them all their children, except the el
dest, John, who stayed behind with his grandfather Holmes.
Since William and Janette Baldridge both died in Lancaster Co., Pa
., it is reasonable to assume that they are buried there, although the si
te of their grave is unknown. The Pennsylvania baldridges were Conenanter
s, and among their descendants were a number of Presbyterian ministers. Re
f: Pioneer Families of Sullivan County, Missouri by Richard D. Sears, 1974