bk&q p 503 "William (the Conqueror) returned to Normandy in 1072 andremai ned there for the next twelve years, needing to maintain his ducy again st the opposition of the French and his former allies who were now fearf ul of his power. The administration of England was left in the hands of R ichard Fitzgilbert and WILLIAM DE WARENNE, two of William's most powerf ul barons." According to index, this baron was "chief justice of Engla nd and 1st Earl of Surrey." possibly ASC pp 201 "That summer (1070) the fleet came from the north in t he Humber into the Thames, lay there for two nights and headed for Denmar k. . . . Eorl WILLIAM should have been his protector, and the French ki ng also; eorl Robert came and killed his kinsman Arnulf and the eorl put t he king to flight and killed many thousands of his men." and possibly p 208 "in spring [1075] [king William I] went away over the s ea to Normandy . . . Bishop Odo and eorl WILLIAM remained here, built cast les widely throughout this nation, oppressed the people wretchedly, a nd it afterwards grew much more evil. May the end be good when God wil ls it."