1 NAME /Harald/ VII
ASC p 136 "A strong Scandinavian state was emerging under the leadersh
ip of the autocratic king HARALD of Denmark (nicknamed Bluetooth), who uni
ted Norway and Denmark and forcibly imposed Christianity on his subject
s. The Viking armies Aethelred faced were fearsome and well organized, f
ar more so than the relatively small bands that had raided from 835 onward
s. Harald's shock troops did not intend to settle in England; their ma
in interest was in obtaining ever increasing amounts of tribute money, Dan
egeld. Once Athelred had been forced to pay for the peace, they regular
ly returned to extract further payments. In 1006 they demanded 36,000 pou
nds of silver, and in 1012 they received 48,000."
See bk&q Chart 33 (p 489) "The Danish and Norse Kingdoms - The House of Go
dwin and the Danish Succession". Ancestry of Harald III is shown in Cha
rt 29 on p 458.
Father of Swein Forkbeard of Denmark, who seized the English throne in 101
3, then died after 40 days, with the crown reverting back to the English.
p. 484 "Swein was the son of Harald Bluetooth, king of Denmark."
ewh p 224