Sensitive:0 Sensitive:0 Data Assembled by Jim Cowan Burke's Dormant and Extinct Peerages; Hist/Rel Ref. CS/ 422/ .B88/ 1962. Under MONTAGU, EARLS of: Sir Edward Montagu. "The Complete Peerage" Appendix "D", Vol. 9, British Ref. Area/ 942/ D22co k. Sensitive:0 Sensitive:0 Data Assembled by Jim Cowan Burke's Dormant and Extinct Peerages; Hist/Rel Ref. CS/ 422/ .B88/ 1962. Under MONTAGU, EARLS of: Sir Edward Montagu. "The Complete Peerage" Appendix "D", Vol. 9, British Ref. Area/ 942/ D22co k.