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Male Frank L. Woods Click to view Frank L. Woods in the family tree

Frank L. was born on April 1st, 1923 in Tahoka,Lynn Co.,Texas.  Frank L.'s father is Samual Harrison Woods and his mother was Mary Kessiah Hillyard.  His maternal grandparents were James Ruben Hillyard and Sarah Margaret Turner. He had two brothers and two sisters, and also a sibling of unknown gender, named James Dysart Harrison, William Henry, Sarah Adeline, Eva Elizabeth and Unknown.  He is the third oldest of the six children.

Frank L.'s family with Jeffie Northcutt

They have a child of unknown gender named Living.

Sources/Citations, Connolly Family Of TEXAS, Patsy Wertz, PaWertzl,, Capt. Samuel Woods & Descendants, Carla Ammeter, Cammeter

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