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Male Herbert Thompson Click to view Herbert Thompson in the family tree

Herbert was born in 1903 in Green Co.,Kentucky.  Herbert's father was John William Thompson and his mother was Zula Skaggs.  His paternal grandparents were Thomas Jonathan Thompson and Mary Ann Warren. He had three brothers and two sisters, named Jeptha, Roosevelt J., Louis D., Bettie and Ellen.  He was the third youngest of the six children.  He died at the age of 74 on February 24th, 1977.

Herbert's family with Clora Ethel Warren

They had four sons and three daughters, named Living, Living, Living, Living, Ada, Living and Living.

LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Ancestry World Tree Project, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net, Id 15779,, KENTUCKY WARRENS

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