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Female Anna Kennedy 'Brownie' Roberts Click to view Anna Kennedy 'Brownie' Roberts in the family tree

Anna Kennedy 'Brownie' was born on January 12th, 1894 in Romeoville,WillCo,IL.1   Anna Kennedy 'Brownie''s father was Henry Hough Roberts and her mother was Anna Kennedy Wilcoxson.  Her maternal grandparents were James Flournoy Wilcoxson and Elizabeth 'Bettie' Willis Mahorney. She had a brother and five sisters, named Charles Horatio, Ida Hough, Ruth Flournoy, Henrietta, Rachael Rhea and Polly Montgomery.  She was the third oldest of the seven children.  She died at the age of 98 on January 31st, 1992 in Versailles,WoodfordCo,KY.  She was buried in 1992 in Frankfort,FranklinCo,KY.2 

Anna Kennedy 'Brownie''s family with Henry Archibald 'Web' Webster

‌Anna Kennedy 'Brownie' and Henry Archibald 'Web' were married in a religious ceremony on October 4th, 1916 in Frankfort,FranklinCo,KY.3   They had three sons and a daughter, named Henry Roberts 'Bob', Living, Living and Living.

1 Henry Archibald Webster- Anna Kennedy Roberts by Anna R. Webster
2 Death Certificate
3 Marriages State Journal Frankfort, KY 5 October 1916
Further sources/citations:
Roberts family, bible, Family Group Sheet, Webster family

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