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Male Eric Roland Mills Click to view Eric Roland Mills in the family tree

Eric Roland was born on September 5th, 1895.  Eric Roland's father was Everett Lee Mills and his mother was Marvin Helen Graham.  His maternal grandparents were Lorentus Marsdell Graham and Pheriba Adaline Frink. He had a brother and two sisters, named Columbus Wellington, Helen and Katherine Lee.  He died at the age of 49 on November 7th, 1944.

Eric Roland's family with Cora Lessie Wellhoner

They had two sons and two daughters, named Eric Roland ,Jr., Marvin Anson, Barbara Ann and Frances Albert.

Sources/Citations, Vicky's Genealogy, Vicky L. Hammond,,, Denealogy Data Page 144, copyright 2003 Thomas M. Clayton, registered copy of Ged4Web ver 2.96

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