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Male William Truett McLeod Click to view William Truett McLeod in the family tree

William Truett was born on December 27th, 1888.  William Truett's father was John J. McLeod and his mother was Nancy McLeod.  His paternal grandparents were Farquehard McLeod and Sarah McFarland; his maternal grandfather was Roderick McLeod and his maternal grandmother is Martha Ann Ball. He had nine brothers and three sisters, named Albert Alexander, Marcus Carr, George Washington Keahey, John Calvin, Hugh Edwin, Knox Caroll, Dwight Oscar, Farquehar Lovie, Ernest Pool, Maude Imogene, Martha Laurene and Sallie.  He was the sixth youngest of the thirteen children.  He died at the age of 68 on June 26th, 1957.

William Truett's family with Emma Singleterry

‌William Truett and Emma were married in a religious ceremony on December 28th, 1919.  They had a son and a daughter, named William Basil and Frances Louise.

Family Tree, Descendants of William MacKeahey, Larry-D-Keahey/Gen8-001

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