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Male Gayle Hartwell Kesler Click to view Gayle Hartwell Kesler in the family tree

Gayle Hartwell was born on March 11th, 1898.  Gayle Hartwell's father was Walter James Kesler and his mother was Myrtle Forrest Scrogins.  His paternal grandfather is Thomas Dudley Kesler and his paternal grandmother was Rachel Ann Miles; his maternal grandparents were William Samuel Scrogins and Mary Edna Wade. He had four brothers named Leonard Christopher, Charles Russell, Selbert Ray and Frank Carey.  He was the third oldest of the five children.  He died at the age of 84 on December 31st, 1982 in Shelbyville,ShelbyCo,KY.  He was buried in 1983.

Gayle Hartwell's family with Rose(Rosa) Curtis Young

‌Gayle Hartwell and Rose(Rosa) Curtis were married in a religious ceremony on December 13th, 1918.

Gedcom, Wilcoxson

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