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Male Willie Preston Keahey Click to view Willie Preston Keahey in the family tree

Willie Preston was born on July 22nd, 1910.  Willie Preston's father was George Anderson Keahey and his mother was Ella Emaline Tillery.  His paternal grandparents were Willis Chalmers Keahey and Sarah Jane Greene. He had five brothers named Ernest Whitson, Curtis Lee, Dewey Alton, George Pearson and Cecil Henderson.

Willie Preston's family with Mary E. Hurt

‌Willie Preston and Mary E. were married in a religious ceremony on June 30th, 1931 in Norfolk,Virginia.  They have two sons and four daughters, named Living, Living, Living, Living, Living and Living.

Family Tree, Descendants of William MacKeahey, Larry-D-Keahey/Gen8-001

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