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Female Clara Mae Keahey Click to view Clara Mae Keahey in the family tree

Clara Mae was born on June 29th, 1910.  Clara Mae's father was Robert C. Keahey and her mother was Pearl Beatrice Worthy.  Her paternal grandparents were Willis Chalmers Keahey and Sarah Jane Greene. She has a brother and four sisters, named Felton, Ida Mae, Ollie Pearl, Virgie Maurice and Living.

Clara Mae's first family with William Elzy ,Jr. Brown

‌Clara Mae and William Elzy ,Jr. were married in a religious ceremony on October 14th, 1932.

Clara Mae's second family with Andrew Arnold Brown

‌Clara Mae and Andrew Arnold were married in a religious ceremony on June 9th, 1973 in Lake City,Florida.  They had two sons named Charles Wayne and Living.

Family Tree, Descendants of William MacKeahey, Larry-D-Keahey/Gen8-001

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