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Male Albert Anson Graham Click to view Albert Anson Graham in the family tree

Albert Anson was born on March 25th, 1878 in Flordia.  Albert Anson's father was Lorentus Marsdell Graham and his mother was Pheriba Adaline Frink.  His paternal grandparents were John Conner Graham and Miriam Helen Gore. He had five brothers and six sisters, named William Davis, John Marsdell, Samuel Tilden, Thomas Julian, Dillon Lorentus, Lula Olivia, Marvin Helen, Pheriba Ann, Sarah Jane, Mattie Pauline and Julia Porter Gertude.  He was the fifth youngest of the twelve children.  He died at the age of 41 on August 30th, 1919 in Marion,Florida.

Sources/Citations, Vicky's Genealogy, Vicky L. Hammond,,, Emily's Family Research, Emily Gore,, Descendants of William Graham, Records of Jim Farmer,,,, Denealogy Data Page 144, copyright 2003 Thomas M. Clayton, registered copy of Ged4Web ver 2.96

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