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Female Fannie Evelyn Gerald Click to view Fannie Evelyn Gerald in the family tree

Fannie Evelyn was born on February 28th, 1912.  Fannie Evelyn's father was John Partick ,Jr. Gerald and her mother was Dora Glenn Hucks.  Her paternal grandparents were John Patrick Gerald and Dorcas L. J. Johnson. She had two brothers and six sisters, named John Patrick ,3rd, Reggie, Bernice, Ernestine, Leona, Marilyn, Mazie and Rose.  She died at the age of 87 on May 6th, 1999.

Fannie Evelyn's family with Preston Leroy Ray

They had five sons and two daughters, named Living, Living, Living, Living, Living, Living and Living.

Source/Citation, FamilyTies  Database, Craig Smith,

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