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Male Luther Young Farmer Click to view Luther Young Farmer in the family tree

Luther Young was born on May 20th, 1883 in LaRue Co.,Kentucky.  Luther Young's father was John Thomas Farmer and his mother was Mary Alice Skaggs.  His maternal grandparents were Henry David Skaggs and Ruth S. Salsman. He had four brothers and two sisters, named William Henry, Geroge Elliott, Robert Jackson, Emmet Cleveland, Martha Ellen and Rutha Frances.  He was the third oldest of the seven children.  He died at the age of 79 on December 22nd, 1962 in LaRue Co.,Kentucky.

Luther Young's first family with Bettie Nelson

‌Luther Young and Bettie were married in a religious ceremony on February 17th, 1907 in Taylor Co.,Kentucky.

Luther Young's second family with Sarah Isabelle Skaggs

‌Luther Young and Sarah Isabelle were married in a religious ceremony on December 30th, 1908 in Green Co.,Kentucky.  They had a son and five daughters, named Elmer, Gertrude Mae, Bernice, Dorothy E., Lorene and Myrtle P..

LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Ancestry World Tree Project, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net, Id 15779,, KENTUCKY WARRENS

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