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Male Mayo Cox Click to view Mayo Cox in the family tree

Mayo was born in 1895.  Mayo's father was Dillon Fletcher Cox and his mother was Susanna Nancy Graham.  His maternal grandparents were Theoffalus Graham and Molcy Fipps. He had eight brothers and five sisters, named Flutcher Bistie, Mack Teadman, John Davis, Moley C., Jenkins Jaba, Daniel M., Dillion Fletcher , Jr., Mace, Nettie L., Amanda Caroline, Mary Ida, Lettie Mae and Gertrude.  He is the third youngest of the fourteen children.

Mayo's family with Lonnie Gwena Harrelson

They have a son and a daughter, named Sammie and Halesteen.

Source/Citation, FamilyTies  Database, Craig Smith,

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