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Female Mariah Elbana Burnett Click to view Mariah Elbana Burnett in the family tree

Mariah Elbana was born on March 18th, 1856.  Mariah Elbana's father was Jeremiah Burk Burnett and her mother was Sally Dalton Vipperman.  Her paternal grandparents are Moses Burnett and Nancy Terry. She had five brothers and six sisters, named Lertie MacDonald, Moses Delane Daniel, Hiram Jackson, Jeremiah George Washington, John William Samuel, Nancy Irene Isbella, Margaret Rosabell, Sarah Lavina, Mariah Ann Virginia, Cynthia Cordelia and Mary Jane.  She was the oldest of the twelve children.  She died at the age of 2 on February 19th, 1859.

Source/Citation, Kevin Hilley,

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