- b.Bet 1050 and 1062 in Normandy, France d.~ 1114 in Bedfordshire, England

- b.~ 1072 in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England

- b.Bet 1055 and 1070 in Anjou, France d.> 1107

- b.Bet 1085 and 1140 d.1170

- b.Bet 1040 and 1080

- b.Bet 1060 and 1100

- b.Bet 1040 and 1080

- b.~ 1153 d.Bet 1211 and 1212

- b.1073 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.1134 in Holy Land, Palestine

- b.1100 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.1192 in England

- b.1084 in Barnstable, Devonshire, England

- b.< 1192 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.1201

- b.~ 1092 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England d.Bet 24 and 25 Dec 1143 in Forest of Dean

- b.~ 1130

- b.Bet 1090 and 1096 in Aberhonwy, Breconshire, Wales d.~ 1143 in Gloucester, England

- b.1173 in Elmley Castle, Elmley, Worcestershire, England d.Dec 1235

- b.< 1140 d.> 1154

- b.~ 1154 d.> 1173
- b.1196 in Elmley Castle, Elmley, Worcestershire, England d.1233

- b.Bet 1030 and 1036 in Bruis/Brix near Cherbourg, Normandy, France or Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland d.~ 1094

- b.1049 in Brienze, Normandy, France d.1087 in Bramber, Sussex, England

- b.1034 in Brittany, France d.1094

- b.1073 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.1134 in Holy Land, Palestine

- b.1015 in Normandy, France d.> 1032

- b.~ 1032 d.> 1077

- b.~ 1030 in Normandy, France d.> 1032

- b.1100 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.1192 in England

- b.1015 in Barnstable, Devonshire, England

- b.1049 in Barnstable, Devonshire, England d.> 1084

- b.1084 in Barnstable, Devonshire, England

- b.< 1055

- b.< 1070 d.> 1085

- b.Bet 1151 and 1175 in Bramber Castle, Bramber, Sussex, England d.> 1196

- b.Bet 1030 and 1060 d.1086

- b.< 1086 d.< 1129

- b.< 1074

- b.~ 1092 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England d.Bet 24 and 25 Dec 1143 in Forest of Dean

- b.< 1060

- b.< 1080

- b.~ 1130

- b.< 1055 d.> 1050

- b.Bet 1050 and 1070 in Neufmarche, France d.1125

- b.< 1055 d.> 1050

- b.Bet 1090 and 1096 in Aberhonwy, Breconshire, Wales d.~ 1143 in Gloucester, England

- b.< 1025 in Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales d.1081 in Battle of Carno, Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales

- b.1079 d. in Herfordshire, England

- b.Bet 1055 and 1057 in Rhuddlan, Flintshire, Wales d.> 1070