- b.Bet 1300 and 1330 d.> 1385
- b.~ 1385 in La Mote, Maidstone, Kent, England d.>29 Nov 1441 in Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
- b.~ 1324 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England d.> 1385
- b.~ 1404 in Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
- b.~ 1314
- b.~ 1390 in Bedlisgate, England d.>17 Jul 1448
- b.Bet 1248 and 1249 in Hatch, Somersetshire, England d.24 Oct 1283 in Hatch, Somersetshire, England
- b.25 Jul 1274 in Hatch, Somersetshire, England d.12 Oct 1336
- b.1257 in Hatch, Somersetshire, England d.10 Jan 1319/20 in Stoke-Under-Hamd, Somersetshire, England
- b.1305 in Hatch, Somersetshire, England d.> 1365 in Wellington, Somersetshire, England
- b.< 1290 d.> 1306
- b.~ 1365