- b.1760 in Anson County, North Carolina d.> 1785
- b.> 1783

- b.< 1720 in Lorndorf, Brandenburgh, Germany d.> 1732

- b.1732 in Leipsic, Saxony, Germany d.> 1745

- b.< 1720 in Lorndorf, Brandenburgh, Germany d.> 1732

- b.~ 1745 in Germany d.Oct 1816 in Home of brother Francis Riffle, Braxton, Lewis or Randolph County, Virginia

- b.~ 1732 in Rhode Island d.> 1745

- b.Bet 1765 and 1769 in Randolph County, Virginia (now West Virginia) d.1865 in Braxton County, Virginia

- b.~ 1745 d.1817 in Braxton County, Virginia