- b.1215 d.1258

- b.1238 in Chorley, Cheshire, England
- b.1262 in Chorley, Cheshire, England

- b.Bet 1148 and 1164 in Fallibrome or Chorley, Cheshire, England

- b.Bet 1175 and 1189 in Fallibrome or Chorley, Cheshire, England d.Bet 1238 and 1246 in Bolyn or Bollin, Cheshire, England

- b.Bet 1210 and 1238 in Bollin/Bolyn or Chorley, Cheshire, England d.1262

- b.1198 in Faillibroome, Cheshire, England

- b.1246 in Bollin, Cheshire, England