- b.Bet 785 and 787 d.Bet 818 and 823

- b.0800 in Burgundy, France d.16 Feb 862/63

- b.0780 d.> 0833

- b.0825 d.< 0876

- b.Bet 765 and 794 in Aachen, Prussia/Germany d.14 Jun 844

- b.~ 0819 in Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France d.> 0866

- b.~ 0779 in Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France d.> 0837

- b.< 0876 d.0912

- b.< 0845

- b.Bet 825 and 860

- b.~ 0902 in Burgundy, France d.11 Jul 937

- b.< 0801 d.0825

- b.< 0820 d.> 0882

- b.0835 d.11 Jan 886/87

- b.< 0805 d.~ 0855

- b.< 0820 d.> 0882

- b.> 0876 d.> 0902

- b.0795 d.29 Sep 855

- b.~ 0822 d.12 Aug 875

- b.~ 0800 in Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France d.20 Mar 850/51

- b.~ 0852 d.0896

- b.< 0825

- b.< 0840 d.0890
- b.~ 0925 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, France d.Bet 10 and 19 Oct 993 in Ragensburg, Germany

- b.< 0895 d.> 0907

- b.~ 0907 in Burgundy, France d.2 Jan 965/66

- b.< 0895 d.> 0907