Census year: 1865 Municipality: Voss Municipality number: 1235 Name of domicile: Nylænden Number of persons in this domicile: 6.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Name Family status Marital status Occupation Birth year Birth place Ethnicity Aad Larsen Husfader g Gaardbruger og Selveier 1820 Voss Prgj. Guro Isaksdatter hans Kone g 1819 Voss Prgj. Lars Aadsen deres Søn ug 1854 Voss Prgj. Inger Aadsdatter deres Datter ug 1856 Voss Prgj. Askjeer Aadsdatter deres Datter ug 1860 Voss Prgj. Britha Eilefsdatter e opholdes af Fattigvæsenet 1799 Voss Prgj.
They had a son and two daughters, named Lars, Inger and Askjeer.
Lars Aadsen
Lars was born on February 19th, 1854 in Voss, Hordaland, Norway and his baptism took place there on May 17th, 1854. He died at the age of 58 on May 22nd, 1912 in Windsor, MN.