Ancestral File Number:<AFN> K6QQ-DC John Houston, gentleman, was born near Johnson in Renfrewshire, Scotland,and was a descendent of Sir Hugh de Padivan, a Norman who accompaniedWilliam the Conqueror to England in 1066. On one occasion Sir Hugh aidedMalcolm King of Scotland (1059-93). Grateful for the act which he feltsaved his life, he awarded Sir Hugh an estate west of Glasgow inRenfrewshire. He married a Scottish lady and identified with the scots.The natives had difficulty pronouncing Padivan and in time used the namethey gave the village around the de Padivan manorhouse, Hugh's town(Houston).
A grandson and namesake, John Houston, Sir. migrated to the Pennsylvaniacolony by way of Northern Ireland. John married prior to 1687 and shortlymigrated to Ireland where they had a number of children. John Houston andhis family joined the others in Chester County, PA and joined somescottish friends in Western Virginia. A number of the scot-irish wereleaving due to increased taxation, religious restrictions and to thelarge increase in foreign speaking settlers in their area.
Married 1699 Scotland. Migrated to PA in 1712, he died enroute or just before leaving Scotland, his son John Houston Jr arrived in PA in 1712 with his widowedmother, his wife and 6 children.