- b.~ 1254 in Of, Inglewait, Yorkshire, England d.1294

- b.~ 1285 in Of, Campden, Gloucestershire, England d.< 1360

- b.~ 1259 in Of, Inglewait, Yorkshire, England

- b.~ 1316 in Of Campeden, London, Eng d.> 1398

- b.~ 1338 in <Of, Campden, Gloucestershire, England>

- b.~ 1337 in Of London & Campden d.01 Oct 1401

- b.~ 1320 in Of, Campden, Gloucestershire, England

- b.~ 1368 in Of, Draiton, Oxfordshire, England d.28 Aug 1438 in Drayton, Oxford, England

- b.~ 1341 in Of, Campden, Gloucestershire, England d.10 Sep 1386 in Or 12 Sep 1386
- b.~ 1401 in Of, Drayton, Oxfordshire, England

- b.~ 1365 in Of, Drayton, Warwickshire, England

- b.~ 1372 in Of, Drayton, Oxfordshire, England

- b.~ 1350 in <Of, Drayton, Warwickshire, England>