UNKNOWN, Edgar 1

Birth Name UNKNOWN, Edgar
Gramps ID I582803926
Gender male
Age at Death 32 years, 6 months, 7 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 943 Wessex, England  
2a 3 4
Death 975-07-08 Winchester, England  
2b 3 4
Nobility Title     Of England, "The Peaceful"
Burial   Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset, England  
Unknown   Natural Causes CAUSED BY DEA


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father UNKNOWN, Edmund [I582808525]
Mother Aelfgifu, Elgiva [I582803925]
    Brother     UNKNOWN, Edwy ‘All- Fair’ [I582808991]
         UNKNOWN, Edgar [I582803926]
Father UNKNOWN, Edmund [I582808525]
Father UNKNOWN, Edmund [I582808525]
Father UNKNOWN, Edmund [I582808525]
Stepmother UNKNOWN, Athelfleda [I582808856]


    Family of UNKNOWN, Edgar and UNKNOWN, Elfthryth [F533082670]
Married Wife UNKNOWN, Elfthryth [I582803927]
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 964    
5a 2c 3 4

CHAN6 Oct 2003

  1. UNKNOWN, Edward [I582809711]
  2. UNKNOWN, Ethelred [I582803928]
    Family of UNKNOWN, Edgar and UNKNOWN, Athelfleda [F533082669]
Married Wife UNKNOWN, Athelfleda [I582809710]
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 960    

CHAN13 Sep 2003


Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of England, "The Peaceful"
king of England (known as the Peaceful or Peaceable) was born in 944 and was the younger of the two sons of Edmund I. During the reign of his brother Edwy, he was chosen king of Mercia and Northumbria, and succeeded Edwy in 959. He recalled Dunstan <archba-k.html> (previously exiled by his brother Edwy), made him bishop of Worcester, of London, and, on the death of Odo, archbishop of Canterbury, and gave himself up to his direction. His reign was notable for the establishment of national consolidation, reformation of the clergy, improvement of the judiciary system. The reign of Edgar was peaceful, the Northmen making no descents on England, perhaps in consequence of the large fleet kept up by the king. Monasteries were restored, and many new ones built; the married clergy expelled, and church power raised to a higher point than before, which made Edgar a favourite and got him a good name with monkish historians. Edgar was not crowned till 973, and the same year took place the stately ceremonial on the Dee, when six or eight subject kings attended him. Edgar is said to have imposed on the Welsh an annual tribute of 300 wolves' heads, instead of a money tax. Died, 975. He left two sons, Edward(the Martyr) >and Ethelred, who both succeeded to the crown.


  1. UNKNOWN, Edmund [I582808525]
    1. Aelfgifu, Elgiva [I582803925]
      1. UNKNOWN, Edwy ‘All- Fair’ [I582808991]
      2. UNKNOWN, Edgar
        1. UNKNOWN, Elfthryth [I582803927]
          1. UNKNOWN, Edward [I582809711]
          2. UNKNOWN, Ethelred [I582803928]
        2. UNKNOWN, Athelfleda [I582809710]


Source References

  1. pemble [S545686325]
  2. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America bef 1760 [S545686187]
      • Page: line 1 pp 1-4
      • Page: line 1 pp 1-4
      • Page: line 1 pp 1-4
  3. 52069Ancestry.FTW [S545686166]
  4. inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW [S545686287]
  5. Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet & Cecily de Neville [S545686194]
      • Page: chart 1188