Bibliographic Information:
Stuart, Joseph A.
Genealogical History of the Duncan Stuart Family in America.
Caxton Press. 1894
I get no birth record of Samuel or Ebenezer; (specs they growed, like Topsy,) nor can I find any data of Samuel, but from records of
deeds at Salem (See Appendix C) I learned that Ebenezer accumulated property at Rowley, these deeds placing hi m as an Innholder at Rowley Byfield, in the corner of Rowley south of Newbury Byfield, and owning land near his inn, one purchase extending to the Bradford line.
In the deed of 1718 the daughters' names are missing, but among my note s is a marriage of Silvanas Wentworth and Elizabeth
Stewart, of Rowley, Nov. 3 , 1685, when Duncan's Elizabeth would be 23 years old. This, with our story of the daughters that were Carters,
previously mentioned, and that there was a N ancy Carter in the household of Captain Robert Stuart during the Revolution, s upposed to
have been a descendant of one of these sisters, is all I learn of them. Ebenezer married Elizabeth Johnson May 23, 1698, and from a
deed by one of his children I learn that he died before Feb. 23, 1746, making him seventy or more years old at ?? death. His estate was not
settled till 1749, (See App end?? C, bottom of page 146.) Below is as full a tabular record as I can obtai n of the births, marriages and
deaths of the
AO? ?
1. SAEAM May1??,1699 (???)Wob??ter Kingston
2.ROB??T Nov.20,1701 Dec.11,1727 Anno Adams Newbury 1782 80
3. ??ARD Oct. 15,1704 Jud ith Poor Boxford
4. JOHN Oct. 20, 1707 Nov. --,1732 Hannah ??ley Rowley
5. ELIZABETH " " " Feb. 17,1726 Benj. Wchster Kingston bef 1746
6. AN N Mar. 27,1712 No record Samuel Lowell Rowley
7. MERCY No reco rd Dec. 26,1734 Ezra Clough Kingston
8. MA?? Oct. 26,1715 Ma r. 8,1737 Nathl Boynton Rowley
9. CHARLES May ??1,1718 No record Sar ah Fisk Boxford
10. JA??E Aug. 17,1720 Dec. 24,1751 William Dav is Newtown
In the Essex Registry of Deeds at Salem I found these records:--B. 26, p. 176, Jonathan Pritchard sold land to Ebenezer
Stuart; b. 33, p. 58, Samuel Dic kinson sold to Ebenezer Stuart land bounded on the southeast side by land of s aid Stuart, southwest by
Woodman's land; b. 44, p. 148, Dec. 9, 1724, Samuel Platto to Ebenezer Stuart, Innholder, of Rowley, in the part called Byfield, an d
upon the plain called Rye Plain, 11 acres--3 acres as part of lot laid out as right of Richard Thurlow, and 3 acres as part of lot laid out
as right of F rancis Parrott--the three acres bounded on westerly end by so called Ox Pastu re Land; b. 45, p. 58, July 1, 1725, John Bennett
to Ebenezer Stuart, for
7 1 0s., one lot, which is the last draft of freehold right in the middle commons- -witnesses, Joseph Jewett and
John Hobson; b. 48, p. 279, Sept. 30, 1726, Dav id Wood to Ebenezer Stuart, for
30, one commonage or freehold in Middle Commo nage; b. 49, p. 169, July 12, 1727, Mehitable Woodman, single, of Newbury, dau ghter of Joshua Woodman, to Ebenezer Stuart, lunholder, of Rowley, for
185, e ight acres, bounded Ed by the great swamp, Nd by land in possession of John Lu ll, Innholder, N. W. and S.
W. by land of Dea. Maximillian Jewett,--with 1-2 d welling house, 1-2 of barn and orchard.--Also another tract of 30 acres , bounded
Ed by Maximillian Jewett's land, N. W. by Town of Rowley's land?? W. by the highway in Bradford, and S. E. by said Stuart's land. In all
these de eds Ebenezer's name was spelt with "u" as ??ere printed. The following, sent me by Mr. Preston, are spelt by him with "ew," and I
am inclined to think the name in the deeds was thus spelt as I had taken notes of only those in the index spelt Stuart, thinking at the
time no others